Welcome to
Viva Retail Media

Your most effective connection to the Hispanic and multicultural shopper.

Innovative placements for each individual

Empower your brand

With your audience

Shoppers can be influenced at key points along their shopping journey


Empower your brand to seamlessly engage with authentic Hispanic retail consumers across their journey. Our innovative placements focus on tailored marketing experiences for each individual shopper while empowering advertisers to forge deeper connections with the target audience.

Online offline

Our media placements

Promote your brand and create a comprehensive experience.


Media to grow your sales at our stores


Highest impact for your Brand


Reach shoppers and drive traffic with real shopper data

Our stores

Promote your brand and create a comprehensive experience.

Fresh Market

A fresh blend of Italian and Hispanic favorites. The largest independent, ethnic grocery chain in Chicago.

El Rancho

Where Hispanic customers feel at home. A family-oriented, Hispanic grocery chain in Texas.

Los Altos
Ranch Market

A traditional Hispanic grocery chain in Arizona, managed by Cardenas Markets.


An authentically Hispanic grocery chain on the West Coast.

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